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Pledge Class 2020
Taylor Achten
Jaleca Blue
Kylie Flynn
Mikayla Fraley
Natalie Klee
Drew Kopulos
Samantha Lawson
Hannah Newsom
Elizabeth Trice
Emmalee Yates

"I Pledged Because..."
Taylor Achten -
I pledged because I have been afraid to get out of my comfort zone. I wanted to push myself in a way I had not been pushed before. I felt as if Soronian was my home away from home!
Jaleca Blue -
I pledged because as a college student or a person, in general, there is always room for an opportunity if you allow it. Soronian was a way for me to extend the bonds I have on campus.
Kylie Flynn -
I pledged because I saw my mom, who is also a Soronian, go through life with the strongest friendships that she created from pledging. Throughout my childhood I watched her sisters show up in a heartbeat at life's greatest times and hardest times. When I got to Olivet I knew I wanted to have that as well. Shortly after arriving at Olivet for my freshmen year girls from the house immediately started reaching out to me. I felt as though they wanted to get to know me and cared to make sure I knew when events were happening so that I could go. After going to all the teas and getting to know a lot of the girls in the house I knew I felt at home. Deciding to pledge was one of the easiest decisions I have made and I don't regret it for a second.
Mikayla Fraley -
I pledged to broaden my life on campus because I am a commuter, so it is hard for me to do things I would love to do on campus. I also enjoyed the atmosphere I felt as I walked through the house doors, it felt refreshing. It seemed like a home away from home!
Natalie Klee -
I pledged because I didn’t have many friends on campus or anyone to sit with during Seminar or at lunch. I’m a commuter so it’s hard to meet people and make friendships since the only place I would see people was during class. Since pledging, I can truly say I have a family away from home.
Drew Kopulos -
I pledged because I wanted to be apart of something positive. Also I wanted to be apart of a family that isn’t broken. Lastly I wanted sisters, I only have a younger brother. But now I have many sisters who will always be there.
Samantha Lawson -
I pledged because I met this amazing woman named Emma Schut who made me feel welcome in a situation where I honestly felt like quitting something I love, so I decided I wanted to be apart of something that helped to make her the wonderful lady who made me feel at home.
Hannah Newsom -
I pledged because I wanted something to look forward to when I go back to campus. I grew up with three sisters and two brothers. It was a very difficult transition to be on my own with nobody to talk to, so I pledged to have a sisterhood and a home to go to.
Elizabeth Trice -
I pledged because I loved the feeling of warmth and happiness from the house ! I knew I wanted to be a soronian before I knew soronian. I loved the energy of the girls and TaNeeka said I should come to the first tea and I did and I just fell in love with the house and knew that’s where I wanted to be . I also knew that I would work very hard to get into the house and be apart of this amazing sisterhood that I know will last forever!
Emmalee Yates -
I pledged because I was looking for a home and family away from home. The girls in the house were so welcoming from the beginning. I wanted the friendships and bonds that the girls had talked about.