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Pledge Class 2022
Tristin Dryer
Alonie Lara
Taylor Marsh
Erin Ruley
Miranda Sparks
Vivien Stevenson
Karley Widemon
"I Pledged Because..."
Tristin Dryer -
I pledged Soronian because, as a transfer, my best friend was a part of Soronian. Any time she brought me around I was instantly welcomed with open arms and felt an almost instant bond with all of the girls around me. I knew before my first semester started where I wanted to be and that I wanted these girls to be my sisters and this house to be my home.
Alonie Lara -
I pledged because as soon as I walked into the house, I felt welcomed and like I belonged. It made me realize that I wanted this forever family.
Taylor Marsh -
I pledged because when I joined the cheer team my freshman year, a lot of the girls were a part of Soronian so I started coming around and realized the bonds and the sisterhood they had was something I wanted too. I felt at home and I wouldn't trade my sisters for the world. It's nice to know that, being in this house, they wouldn't trade me for the world either.
Erin Ruley -
I pledged because I have always struggled getting along with girls and I wanted to take the opportunity of growing close to a great group of girls and have a forever family.
Miranda Sparks -
I pledged because, as a commuter, I was having a hard time making friends on campus and didn't feel like a member of the schools community. After going to Soronian's teas and meeting the girls of the house, I had finally felt the sense of community and friendship that I had been looking for. I am happy to now call these girls, who welcomed me with open arms, my sisters!
Vivien Stevenson -
I pledged because I had always wanted a sister and I figured why not have a house full of them. They showed me what true friendship looks like and I wanted to have that forever. Now I do!
Karley Widemon -
I pledged because I saw the friendships that Soronian created and wanting to have something like that.