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Pledge Class 2021
Brianna Bailey
Savanna Baughn
Brittani Bridget
Erica Brock
Courtney Connors
Alex Devault
Kinzie Earl
Kenzie Jones
Morgan Nobach
"I Pledged Because..."
Brianna Bailey -
I pledged Soronian because I was in need of a more impactful friend group here at Olivet. I've always enjoyed having a group of welcoming friends to go for anything and everything and I found that all of the lovely ladies of Soronian were going to do exactly that. My favorite part about being a Soronian is knowing that I have a forever sisterhood with so many beautiful peopl, I love being able to have fun conversations and bonding moments with each and every girl in the house. This opportunity I have gained has built such a great home in my heart and I will be forever thankful I chose to pledge to this home and society.
Savanna Baughn -
I pledged because I have always been a pretty shy person my whole life and being around the girls all of first semester helped to push me out of that comfort zone. The girls also really helped to show me what being in a real sisterhood was like and I just knew I couldn't live without that. I love Soronian because not only are they a sisterhood but they hold everyone to a high standard. I needed people in my life who were going to help to push me to always be a better me and help to show me that you should always strive for better.
Brittani Bridget -
I pledged Soronian because it was something completely out of my comfort zone and seeing the connections the girls had was beautiful and something I wanted to be apart of. I love the sister atmosphere at the house and how supportive the sisters are to each and every one of us half-blood! I didn't think pledging would change me as much as it did, but I gained a new confidence knowing I could be myself and no one judged me.
Erica Brock -
I decided to pledge because I knew I would make new friends that would last forever. I started going to the house with friends and realized that I love the atmosphere and I felt very welcomed instantly. It was then that I realized that Soronian was my forever home.
Courtney Connors -
When starting college, I had no true understanding of Greek life at all, I didn’t even know where the Soronian house was until the spring semester of my freshman year. Then I had an extremely rough fall semester mentally during my sophomore year, however I was always convinced and dragged to the Teas by Taylor Achten and Hannah Jorgenson, and those were the best days during that semester and one of the few times I would smile. This house and the girls inside of it have given me my happiness back after one of the most difficult times in my life and I cannot think of a group of girls I would want to call my forever sisters besides these ones. I love being a Soronian for many reasons however the main one that sticks out would be the friendships I probably never would have had without this house. I only knew one girl in my PC on running night however since pledging it feels like these girls have been my best friends forever.
Alex Devault -
I pledged Soronian because I was searching for a bond here at Olivet that I knew would last a lifetime. Soon eneough when I started to hangout with all fo the members of Soronian, I felt at home and beyond welcomed. The girls in the house make me feel seen and wanted. What I love about being a part of Soronian is that it gives you the opportunity to grow with people you never envisioned yourself growing with. I have met some of my closest friends through my house and I am so thankful that joining Soronian is the reason for that. Pledging was a bit different this year but allowed me to grow in the aspect of trust. When it came to our pledge class, we had to confide in one another because you couldn't go through it all alone. This was difficult for me seeing that I am a very independent person. The memories I made through the first week of pledging are ones I will cherish forever with my pledge class.
Kinzie Earl -
I pledged because every girl I met from Soronian made me feel like I was welcome. Being a commuter, I didn't know a lot of people and thought that pledging would be a good way to help me meet people. Everyone I met was super nice and easy to have a conversation with which is not normal for me because I get nervous when I talk to new people.
Kenzie Jones -
I chose to pledge because of the people in the house. They were all so welcoming and turned into some of my great friends.
Morgan Nobach -
I pledged because I really needed a group of people I could count on no matter what. I wanted a forever family here at school and that was exactly what it felt like when I walked in the front door. The girls here really made me feel loved and like I could tell them anything! I wanted to make friendships with people that would last a lifetime and that I knew would be at the important events in my life. Pledging was one of the best decisions I ever made and I wouldn't trade it for the world.